No Food Or Drink Sign

Sigs are helpful in humans’ life. There are multiple signs that are created for human understandings. Among those one is no food or drink sign. This is the sign which you are seeing often at many places. The most common and important places where you see these signs are libraries, meeting rooms or any kind of museum.

It is necessary that whenever you see no food or drink sign then you must follow that instructions and do not bring any kind of food or drink at that place. These sings are pasted to keep those areas clean and to make sure that those areas are functional to everyone without any distractions.

There are multiple benefits of using no food or drink sign. Among those most common reasons are following

To keep place clean

As we know that those areas always look attractive that are neat and clean. To keep your area clean, you must look for many reasons but among those top one are food and drinks. Food and drinks are things that can create a mess at any place.

To create awareness among people no food or drink sign are necessary to install or pasted at those area. So, whenever anyone comes to those places, he will have a look at the signs and he or she will avoid bringing any kind of food inside that area.

Protects from Distraction

Distraction is the thing which can badly impact on your work. That work will be neatly done and will be done on time if you don’t have any kind of distraction. There are multiple places where you need to keep focus on your work.

For example, if you are sitting in library along and working on your assignments or reading books. At the same time, you just remember that you have some foods and drinks in your bag, then definitely you will pause work and start eating that.

This will not only distract but it can also distract other students in the library. Because of such type of reasons libraries and other important area like these prefer to use no food or drink signs.

Protection of antique objects

Another important benefit of no food and drink sign is that these signs are necessary to protect different objects like you can take an example of museum. As we know that museum is place where a lot of antique and expensive things are placed for exhibition purposes.

So, if anyone takes food or drink inside that museum there are chances that these food or drink can cause damage to that object. This is the main reason that no food or drink signs are necessary to install at places like museums.

no food or drink sign

Place to paste no Food and Drink signs

There are large number places where you can paste or place no food or drink sign. Among those some of the important areas are below

Praying areas

The main and important place where needs to clean all the time praying areas. Whether you belong to any religion or any caste it is necessary that your praying area should be neat and clean. So, it is necessary that you can paste no food and drink sign at the entrance of praying areas so people especially children avoid bringing any kind of food or drink to praying areas.

Libraries and Classrooms

To gain you knowledge or education it is necessary that you should have proper focus on your study whether you are studying in classroom or library. When you bring any kind of food or drink inside of classroom or libraries then it can become cause of distraction for you as well for others.

Libraries are especially those places where a proper silence and focus is required to gain a fruitful knowledge during the time which are spending at library. To make awareness among students you can communicate this verbally to student and you can install no food and drinks signs at the entrance of libraries and classrooms.

Meeting rooms

Meeting are crucial aspects in every field. Whether the meeting is related to business or any other purpose it is necessary you should have proper focus on the meeting agendas during the meeting. Bringing food and drinks in meeting can distract you keep you focus on main agenda of the meeting, and it may cause of lose due to lack of focus.


Museums are the source of protecting you ancients’ objects. Mostly rare and antique objects are placed in museums. It is necessary that these objects should be protected in better way from the visitors who are visiting there. When any visitor brings any food or drink inside these museums and accidently if food or drink falls on any objects then it can damage the value of the objects.

no food or drink sign free printing

How to design no Food or Drink signs?

No food and drink signs can be designed in different ways. It depends upon you that in which kind of design you are interested. The first is that you can just design food and drinks pictures and then make red cross among them and it is most usual practice that most people doing.

Another way is that you can make a poster in two different parts, means you ca draw the objects and can write a sentence like “Food and Drinks not Allowed” below that design.
In my opinion second option can be best one because most people not focus on the pictures but when you write something along with the design, it will help them to understand it in better way.

Specifications to consider while designing no Food or Drink sign

When you are going to draw or design no food or drink sign then you must focus on the following specification to make a unique sign

  • Language
  • Height
  • Color
  • Sign or the Label type
  • Width and thickness
  • Header
  • Arrow directions
  • Image or Text
  • Shape
  • Reflective type
No food or drink sign

Where to print no Food or Drink signs?

It depends upon the quantity that how many signs are required to you. If you are making it for your personal use or for a small place, then you can create this design at your own computer by using any software and then can print it on printer. But if these signs are required to you in bulk amount, then you can contact any design company.

There will be multiple companies around you that are providing these kinds of services. You can contact them and explain to them your requirements and fix a rate with them. They will make design according to your requirements and then will deliver at your door after printing them.


In my opinions no food or drink signs are necessary to pasted because these signs can help you keep those areas neat and clean, and this will also be helpful for the students to keep their focus on studies during their study time when their signs are pasted, and no food or drinks are allowed to bring in their class rooms. Another important thing about these signs is that you can create these signs at your own and paste on those places where it is required.


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