Coconut oil is a product which is used to make hair strong and smooth. Main reason of the popularity of coconut oil hair food is because it had ability to protect our hair from damage and can also make our hair long and silky. The main ingredient or component of this hair food is coconut oil. It consists of decent amount of lauric acid and different number of saturated fats along with different vitamins which helps to keep our hair moisturize and helps in growth of hair.

Table of Contents
We know coconut oil has multiple benefits as it contains a wide variety of components which are useful for our hair. Coconut oil hair food can be used with all kinds of hair whether is straight or curly, dry or damaged. We will discuss the advantages of coconut oil hair food one by one.
- The first main advantage of using coconut oil is that it can increase the growth of our hair to maximum level. Many doctors recommend to use coconut oil for the good growth of our hair. Its proper use will not only increase of hair growth but it will also make our hairs shiny and silky.
- Another advantage of using coconut oil hair food is that its usage will reduce or eliminate our hair fall. It is also helpful for the damaged hair. The vitamins and the fatty acids in this food will help to repair the damages hair an it will further stop the hair fall or hair damage. This will make you hair stronger than before.
- It is also helpful for the light or thin hair. For this you have apply a small amount of oil on your hair, then properly scalp it on your hair. This will help you to grow new hair and the thin hairs will become stronger.
- Use of this oil can also eliminate the dandruff problems. Apply a certain amount of coconut oil on regular basis on you can reduce the issues of dryness and dandruff from your hair.

How to use coconut oil hair food
This hair food can be used in different ways. It depends on you that for which kind issues and what kind of result you are using. Here are some ways to use coconut oil hair food
- First one is that you can use it a simple way like you are using other oil. You can apply a small amount of oil after washing your hair and then make your style.
- Second one is that you can use it as a hair mask, for this you have apply a small amount of oil on your hair. Properly massage it and then leave it on your for 2o to 30 minutes. After 20 to 30 minutes, wash your hair properly for better result.
- Another usage of this hair food is that, you can use it as scalp treatment. For this you have apply a decent amount of coconut oil hair food on your hair, then properly massage your scalp. After that leave it for maximum 8 to 12 hours. After that properly wash it, this will help in removal of dead skin from your scalp and will help to develop fresh and healthy skin on your scalp and it will also help in reducing the dandruff.
How to select best coconut oil hair food
As we know that it becomes very difficult when it comes to buy an original product from the market because nowadays there are a lot of cheap and un standardize products with same labels and prices inn the market. It becomes very difficult for a common man to differentiate between original and fake products. To avoids these kinds of issues first gain properly knowledge about the products from official websites and the next thing you should do is that buy those products from famous brands not from local market.

Important guideliness
While using coconut oil hair food it is necessary that we should take care of some points because sometime thing can be dangerous or causes bad effects if we do not use them in proper ways. Here are some points you should consider before using this hair food
- Before applying coconut oil, you should know that you do not have any allergies with coconut oil. After applying if you found any unnecessary change in your skin, stop using it and when issue becomes more severe always contact with doctor.
- Always use a small amount of coconut oil to your hairs. Use of large amount or excessive usage can give bad appearance to your hair and they will become greasy in looking.
- Coconut oil can be mixed with other components and then you can apply on your hair. Before mixing with other you should have some knowledge about those components that whether it is good for health or not otherwise it can cause bad effects for your hairs.
Coconut oil for hair curly
If you are having curly hair then coconut oil can be best option to use for the curly hair. According to people with curly hair who are using coconut oil for curly hair, they found that coconut oil is more suitable and good for their curly hair as compare to other oils.

There is not doubt that coconut oil hair food can be beneficial for your hair, if you use them in a proper way. Coconut oil is considered among those ingredients which are used for the healthy growth of our hair. So, coconut oil hair food is the effective solution for your damaged hairs to make them healthier and stronger. You can also use coconut oil with the combination of other ingredients which are used for better growth of your hair.
This hair food contains a lot of fatty acids and wide variety of vitamins, these vitamins and fatty acids can help to make your hairs strong and long. So, using of coconuts oil hair is good for your hair if you use them in a better way. It will be more effective for your hair if you use coconut oil hair food with the combination of any other ingredients, although you must know that the ingredients mixing with coconut oil is good for your hair or not.